En reklambroschyr från 1926

Yngve Persson ”YP” – chef fartygsritkontoret.
Kockums Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. Malmö, Sweden.
Kockums Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd. Malmö, Sweden.
Shipbuilders, repairers and engineers.
Telegraphic address: KOCKUMSVERKSTAD, MALMÖ
Codes: Bentley’s Complete Phrase Code, Lieber’s Code, A B C 6th edition.

Specialities: Marine diesel engines, Kockum-MAN system.
Patent slip and two docks for ships up to 520 feet in length.
Motorships, steamers, warships, steam-engines, boilers, forgings.
Railway-cars, bridges, lift-cranes, sugar-machinery, tyfon signalling apparatus, castings.

We are licensees for Diesel Engines of Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg (M.A.N.) – the first and largest diesel engine works in the world.
We make the following types:
Four cycle, single acting, single screw up to 3,500 i.h.p.
Four cycle, single acting, twin screw up to 5,000 i.h.p.
Two cycle, double acting, single screw up to 10,000 i.h.p.
Two cycle, double acting, twin screw up to 20,000 i.h.p.
Two cycle, single acting, single screw up to 3,600 i.h.p.
Two cycle, single acting, twin screw up to 8,000 i.h.p.

Aeroview of the works. Sunds och varvsbassäng isbelagda – och 3 stycken badhus på bild.

Kockums fick sin licens med MAN, Augsburg 1923.

KOCKUMS ENGINEERING & SHIPBUILDING COMPANY is one of the oldest engineering establishments in Sweden.
It was founded in the year 1840. The present works comprise a large shipyard, foundry, general machine shop, steam engine and Diesel Engine shop, railway car shop, smith shop and boiler shop, all recently re-built and equipped with machines of the latest designs as well as being provided with up-to-date transport and hoisting facilities; electric power is used throughout. The different establishments and yards are connected by an extensive railway… (continues on next page)

From the equipment quays.

…system and also with the railway lines outside and have extensive loading quays with accommodating facilities for the largest vessels.

The shipyard was established in 1871. There are berths for vessels up to 12,000 tons and a patent slip capable of receiving vessels up to 1500 tons. Adjoining the works are two dry docks of which one has recently been built, and is capable of docking vessels up to s20 feet in length.

Following is a brief description of our different departments.

Plater shop.

Machine Shop
A building fitted out with modern tools and five overhead cranes of 10 respectively 25 and 35 tons.

Lighter cranes are distributed over the shop also in the smaller bays. We undertake the building of the most heavy machinery, as well as the smallest jobs.

The shop has spacious tool- and checking departments.

We manufacture Marin-Diesel-Engines of Kockum-MAN system, and are Sole Licensors for Sweden for these Engines, with which all motorships built by us, are supplied.

Machine shop.

Building Berths
The pictures on the following pages speak for themselves and everybody acquainted with the building of ships will notice the high standard of the whole establishment.

We have 4 berths for ships up to 12,000 tons and one patent slip.

Repairing Department
Repairs are carried out with the shortest possible delay, assured by the modern equipment of our different depart- (continued on next page)

Building berths.

…ments as briefly described before. We have carried out a most interesting variety of this class of work.

For repairs on vessel we have two docks with first-class equipment to our disposal, one of them is capable of docking vessels up to 520 feet in length.

Railway Car Shop
The company has been engaged in manufacture of railway Cars since 1857 and are the first in Sweden in this special line. Among its customers of all kinds of Cars the… (continued on next page)

SS Lousiana of Tönsberg in the dry dock for repairing.

company numbers the Governments of Sweden, Norwayand Denmark as well as several railway companies. In addition the works produce a large range of railway hardware.

The Smithy
is fitted out with heavy Steamhammers and up to certain size we make all our forgings ourselves. There are many drophammers, too, and the make of dropforgings is rather important.

Exterior view of the railway car shop.

Beyond the supply to our own Works of forgings we sell large quantities both to Swedish and foreign firms.

The Foundry
is fitted with modern equipment for both iron and metal castings. Castings can be made from the smallest weight up to a weight of 30,000 Kilos. Our speciality in this respect is castings for Diesel Engines.

A special department for manufacture of TYFON signal apparatus is connected to the Works. The Tyfons, … (continued on next page)

Fartyget i docka 2 är FREDERIK VIII byggd 1913 av Vulcan Stettiner Maschinenbau A.G., Stettin.

SS Frederik VIII of 11850 tons in the dry dock for repairing

…patented all over the world, are a new kind of signalling apparatus, which are characterized through their eminent power of sound and very low consumption of air or Steam and distinct, clear tone.

For use everywhere where good signals are required. Nearly 4500 Tyfons are now supplied all over the world.

4 ship at the same time in the graving dock.

The foregoing is only a brief description of our Works and on the next pages we will give illustrations of some of the many ships, engines, boilers and sugar machinery made and repairs executed by us in the 85 years of our existence as well as the cranes, bridges and railway cars built.

We should be glad to receive your inquiries for our different makes. Our experience will then be to your full disposal.

Machine ship: Diesel engine erecting shop.

Kockums have ever kept up to date and have also obtained the right of manufacturing Diesel Engines here in Sweden from the Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Närnberg in Augsburg. This firm is the patentee for one of the best Diesel Engines in the world, which are called M.A.N.

Engines and built both for marine as for stationary use. Both single acting four cycle as double acting two cycle. Up to the 18t January 1926 328 ships have been equipped with M.A.N. Diesel Engines, representing an effect of not less than 526,137 B.H.P.

Diesel engine of Kockum-MAN system.

The illustration overleaf shows a twin-screw motor cargo ship of 7500 tons d.w.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 141, S/S Trolleholm, Lastfartyg – 7500 dw. Levererat till AB Svenska Mexico Linien, Göteborg, 1922.

Motorship Trolleholm of 7500 tons d.w.

The illustration shows a twin-screw motor cargo ship of 6600 tons d. w.
The ship, which carries the name JSantos, is equipped with 2 Diesel Engines of Kockum-MAN system of 2800 Jo P.
Owner: Rederi A.-B. Nordstjärnan, Stockholm.
Motorship Santos of 6600 tons d. w.
Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 144 M/S Santos, Lastfartyg – 6600 dw. Levererat till Rederi AB Nordstjernan, Stockholm, 16/5 1925.
The illustration shows a single-screw motor cargo ship of 7600 tons d. w.
This ship is equipped with a Diesel Engine of Kockum-MAN system of 2650 I. H. P.

Motorsbip Nordvard of 2600 tons d. v.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 145 M/S Nordvard, Lastfartyg – 7600 dw. Leverat till Lauritz Kloster, Oslo, 12/8 1925.

The illustration shows the Armoured Battle-Ship Gustaf V for the Swedish Navy, built by us. The battle-ship has 7900 tons deplacement.

Armoured Battle-Ship Gustaf V

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 122, Gustaf V, Pansarskepp – 7900 depl. Levererat till Svenska Marinen 1922.

The illustration shows one of the Armoured Battle-Ships of 3600 tons deplacement, built for the Swedish Navy.

Armoured Battle-Ship Manligheten

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 86, Manligheten, pansarskepp – 3600 depl. Levererat till Svenska Marinen, 1904.

The illustration shows a type of Torpedo-boat-destroyers, built by us for the Swedish Navy.

Torpedo-boat-destroyer Vidar

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 95, Vidar, Jagare – 346 depl. Levererat till Svenska Marinen 1909.

The illustration shows one of the submarines, built by us.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 129. Bävern, U-båt, 422 depl. Levererat till Svenska Marinen 1921.

The illustration shows one of the Steam-cargo-ships of 2600 tons d. w., built by us. Above named ship is equipped with Triple-Expansion-Engines, 800 I.H.P., of our own make.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 139, S/S Ardennia, Lastfartyg – cirka 2600 dw. Levererat 1921 till Föreningen Ångf. AB Göthe, Göteborg.

Steam-cargo-ship of 2600 tons d. w.

The illustration shows one of the Steam-cargo-ships of 2200 tons d. w., built by us. This ship is equipped with Triple-Expansion Engines 800 I. H.P. of our own make.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 114, S/S Avesta. Lastfartyg – ca 2200 dw. Levererat 1913 till Rederi AB Nordstjernan, Stockholm. Lägg märke till hamnroddarna.

Steam-cargo-ship of 2200 tons d. w.

The passenger steamer Prinsessan Margareta for traffic Sweden – Germany.

Fartyg b.nr 91 Prinsessan Margareta, passagerarfartyg på 1460 depl. Levererat 1907 till Red. AB Sverige – Tyskland, Malmö.

S/S Prinsessan Margareta

The passenger Steamer Öresund for traffic Malmö—Copenhagen.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 89, S/S Öresund. Passagerarfartyg på 625 depl. Levererat 1905 till Rederi AB Öresund, Malmö.

S/S Öresund.

A Light Ship for the Royal Light Service.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 81, fyrskeppet Reserv, 115 depl. Levererat 1899 till Kungliga Lotsstyrelsen, Stockholm.

The Light Ship Reserv.

The illustration shows a combined tug boat and ice-breaker.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 75, S/S Isbrytaren, 190 depl. Bogserbåt och isbrytare. Levererat 1903 till Norrköpings Hamnstyrelse.

The combined tug boat and ice-breaker Isbrytaren.

The Steam-ferry Malmö built for the Swedish State Railways and running on the trade Malmö—Copenhagen.

Kommentar: Fartyg b.nr 83, S/S Malmö. Färja, 1710 depl. Levererat 1900 till Kungliga Järnvägsstyrelsen, Stockholm.

The steam-ferry Malmö

Discharging crane for Coal, Ore a. s. o. with 6000 kg. lift.

Kommentar: Kran för avlastning av kol. Ut mot inre hamnen i Malmö, Hjälmarekajen. Observera fyren.

Discharging crane for Coal.

The illustration shows an electrically driven bascule-bridge in Malmö Harbour, having a span of 22 metres.

Kommentar: Gamla klaffbron till Kockums. Den som finns nu byggdes vintern 1952-53. Har därefter moderniserats vid ett par tillfällen.


Liftcranes of 5000 kg. lift, delivered to the Harbour of Malmö.

Kommentar: Vid tågfärjeläget.


The illustration overleaf shows the railway bridge over Nordre Älv.
During the last years we have built many large railway bridges to the Swedish State Railways.

Railway bridge, Nordre Älv, Sweden.

The illustration shows a railway bridge over Ume Älv at Lycksele in the nothern part of Sweden. The bridge has 7 spans, of which one has a total length of 72 metres (79,2 yards).

Railway bridge over Ume Ålv at Lycksele, Sweden.

The illustration shows a Triple-Expansion-Engine of 1050 I.H.P. Engines of this type have firstly been installed in Steamers shown on the preceeding pages but also supplied to a great number of yards, a. s. o. Up to the 31/12 1925 we have supplied not less than 136 Engines for marine use and 53 for Stationary purposes.

Triple-Expansion-Engine of 1050 I.H.P.

The illustration shows a Main-Boiler with 3 furnaces: Heating surface: 1955 sq. feet. Boiler pressure: 185 Ibs/sq. inch.


3rd class Sleeping Car to the Swedish State Railways.

1st and 2nd class Sleeping Car to the Norwegian State Railways.

Dining car.
2nd and 3rd class vaggon.
Refrigerating waggon.

Goods car.


Waggon for carrying ore.

Some of our types of Tyfon signal apparatus.

